We have had a very successful first-year of the Migrant School Renovation Project! This year we were able to accomplish many things. Firstly, we raised 9000 EUR, overshooting our original goal by 300%. Secondly, we successfully completely repainted the exterior corridor of the ground floor wall and are planning on completely renovating the school's bathrooms during the summer. And thirdly, we had an amazing time in Shanghai!

On Saturday April 7th, 2012, we went to the Zhulin Migrant School in Pudong to paint the exterior corridor wall of the ground floor. At the event, we had around 32 students. We had 10 students from Brussels, 10 students studying at international schools in Shanghai, and 12 students from the Zhulin Primary Migrant School. The international school students acted as a bridge of communication between the European students and the Migrant School Students since they were bilingual in English and Chinese. 

For our Saturday April 7th activity, we not only painted the wall. We also did many other activities, such as basketball, ping-pong and hip-hop dancing. We split the large group into 4 groups. Each group was made up of 2 European students, 2 Chinese students and 3-4 Migrant School students. Each group did a different activity, and every half-hour we rotated. At the end of the day, everyone put their handprint on a large board to give to the school as a reminder of our group activity to better the school environment.

I want to congratulate all of the Migrant School Project 2012 team for their hard work this year, and I would like to thank all of our generous donors. Without your support, we could not have implemented our project.  There are also a few people I want to thank who helped to make the project a success:

- Aaron Lee -  Aaron was one of our coordinators on the China side, and helped us communicate with the Zhulin Migrant School. 
- Weijia Zhu -  Without Weijia, the project would not have been possible, since she introduced us to the Zhulin Migrant School four years ago! 
- Antoine Ripoll - Team members Eleanor and Duncans' dad who arranged for our design/logo for the migrant school project, contacting Euronews to get our story out there, and for his continuous support throughout the project (that goes for Mom Ilaria too!)
- Lastly, I would like to thank my family, especially my sister Jacqueline, who was helping and supporting me throughout the project. 

We also have a Facebook page, so "like" us at www.facebook.com/MigrantSchoolRenovationProject!

Marcello Rossi